What is DID


Dissociative identity disorder (DID), also known as multiple personality disorder (MPD),is a mental disorder I think of it as when someone goes through trauma they develope different personalites to protect them from the memories. Thats what my case is. Thats how i would put it

Real deffinition 
This is a mental disorder where someone will have 2 or more personalities  that act different from the other personalities.Most people diagnosed with MPD were either physically or sexually abused as children. Many times when a young child is severely abused, he or she becomes so detached from reality that what is happening may seem more like a movie or television show than real life. This self-hypnotic state, called disassociation

DID is not an illness, and is not caused from a chemical imbalance. DID is caused from trauma.Dissociative symptoms range from common lapses in attention, becoming distracted by something else, and daydreaming, to pathological dissociative disorders. No systematic, empirically-supported definition of "dissociation" exists.
 Each alter has its own unique style of viewing and understanding the world and may have its own name. These distinct personalities periodically control that person's behavior as if several people were alternately sharing the same body.

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