Thursday, January 17, 2013

Really upset & hate men.

I hate men
i hate what happend to me
i hate how bad people feel for me
i hate how its embarresing
i hate loosing time
i hate flashbacks
i hate feeling this sickness in my stomach
i hate how i never feel safe
i hate how the man works at an elementary school
i hate getting angry
But most of all i hate my sadness...
 Like i just want to cry and cry and cry but... i cant.
Im so depressed its not even funny.......

I just want someone to talk to that knows what i am going through :(


  1. I am sorry my dear... I didn't go through what you did, but I do have depression, so I can relate to some things you said. Don't worry girl, this bastard will pay for what he did to you. Men's justice fail, but God's justice doesn't. I guarantee he has already started paying. Keep going strong.

    Good night! :)

  2. Sorry, I wish I could help you but the truth is, no one can really help you........but you. It is your journey and you must find the way yourself. The only help I can offer you is already on my blog. I am dealing with illness right now so I can hardly care for me but I can say I care and I hope you find the courage to get where you want to go.

    All multiples are different. What it was like for me, is probably not what it is like for you. I do know that the commonality comes in what caused it and what it takes to heal. That part I know and I have written about on my blog. It is all there. The things I had to learn to be able to be free of my past. The part you will have to do is figure out how that relates to you and then find the courage to make those changes.

    It is my understanding that there are forums for those with DID. I have never looked but know others have. Maybe you can find someone there you can talk with. If times were different now, I would tell you I would be there for you.....but like I said, I am doing all I can to be there for me right now and that's what I must do if I am to survive.

    If you read my old posts and don't understand or have questions, leave them there and indicate you want to get emails on updates so I can respond directly to them. That's the most I can offer you.

    Good luck in your journey.....
